Soon to be Summer

So as I previously mentioned, I’m seriously considering making mini films, or vlogs, of what I do when I go out with friends and so on. I’ll be honest, the inspiration I got for this was from all these British Youtubers, including Jacksgap and Zoella280390. While one is just a really hot guy who happens to be a twin that I enjoy staring at, the other is a girl who does beauty videos and fashion hauls. Both also do vlogs, which is just them taking a point-and-shoot camera with them wherever they go and filming. As I enjoy watching, I think it would be awesome to try the whole youtube thing…if only to be able to look back on my life in a few years. I’m definitely not planning to become a youtube star or anything haha. But anyways, if and when this all happens- because let’s face it, I’m extremely lazy so this might never happen- but when it hopefully does, I will post everything here also. Mainly because I’m planning on posting a lot more soon.

As for my little Polyvore collage below, I’m just expressing my excitement for the impending summer. I, like many people, am definitely not a winter person. I”m already planning on living my life in only warm places even if it means moving to Australia in the winter time. I’ve noticed during this winter that I’ve been really interested in the dark grungy look, and now that it’s warming up, my style seems to be brightening. Because my style and mood have been brighter I have the intense need to go shopping. I want to be bright and happy and colorful, because bright and happy and colorful generally make me more positive. Maybe if I’m more positive I’ll have even more fun over here in Italy- just saying that even though there’s no snow, I still don’t like the winter here. And with watching all these beauty videos on Youtube I really want to try all the different tips and tricks, so I need a shopping spree!

Soon to be Summer


June 24th.

Alright, so this week I came up with a quite obvious, awesome idea, that I probably should have thought about when I first started my exchange.  Now that I know the exact date that I go home (June 24th), I’m thinking this will be a good way to use my last 4 months.  Here is my idea.  As I’ve been watching a lot of YouTube videos lately, and seeing people sitting and talking in front of a camera, being funny, or telling strangers about their lives, I thought that might not be such a bad idea!  At this point I’m not exactly planning on doing the part of talking to a camera, but with everybody at home wanting to know what Italy is like, I thought it’s be easy if I could just show them!  And while photos are great, I think that making mini movies of my experiences, my italian friends, and where I live would be way cooler.  I’ve also always been very interested in film and TV, so this might be a good starting point for a hobby or maybe even a career down the line…who knows?  Anyways, now I just have to actually start doing, which will hopefully be easier now that it’s starting to feel like spring in Italy.  Hallelujah!

Tanti Auguri!!! (to me)

Today, January 22nd, is my birthday!
I got to sleep in and skip school to go explore in Rome, which was an awesome way to spend my special day 🙂 My host sister Francesca and I started at the Colosseum because I haven’t actually seen it since this summer even though we go to Rome all the time. It was pretty cool to see one of the most touristy places in Rome being not so touristy. It’s actually pretty funny, because although there weren’t tons of crowds (there were definitely still a lot of big groups though) there were a whole bunch of tour guide people everywhere, greeting everyone in different languages. I heard English, Italian, French, Spanish, and a few others that I’ll just say are Mid-Eastern and Asian. We continued wandering around near the Roman Forum, and just kind of headed in the direction of Via del Corso. I really think that one of the best parts of being here is being able to go to Rome, not just as a tourist on a mission, but just to hang out and enjoy everything. I definitely want to go to Rome one day to just sit and read, or go with only a camera to take amazing pictures, to feel apart of the city. Anyways, after tons of walking, a stop at a fast-food restaurant called “Lasagnam”, and a run-in with a British man hitting on Francesca, we made it to the Trevi Fountain. The last time I was there it was so crowded that I couldn’t get very close, so I never threw in a coin. When I was told that if you don’t throw in a coin then it means you’ll never return to Rome, I knew it wasn’t true. But today I threw my coin in the fountain anyway! We finally made it to Via del Corso, and since it’s my birthday I didn’t need to feel guilty about spending so much. I got to shop, then eat gelato, and somehow on my extremely tired feet I made it to the metro with Francesca and we went home. I’d say that it was a pretty great birthday 🙂 Not to mention the wonderful dinner and birthday cake I had!IMG_4294                    IMG_4308

Overall, spending my birthday away from Alaska in a different country wasn’t that bad.  I still talked with my family and friends, and I probably got to do more today than I would’ve at home 🙂



Okay, so I’ve been wanting a pair of wedge sneakers for so long now, and although I’ve been waiting to get a pair of Steve Madden Hi Lights, these awesome Nikes just kind of made me forget about them. I think I’m becoming addicted to shoes, because I got them- I saved 30 bucks though. No regrets. To bad that all the stuff I order online goes to Alaska, so technically I’ll have to wait for my mom to ship them in another package…the only problem is that I’m starting to realize that all the clothes I brought on exchange will probably be doubled by the time I go home. I mean, I am in Rome, I come from a place with virtually no good shopping places, I think it’s kind of inevitable that I’m gonna add to my wardrobe. Hmm…that’ll be a fun time packing!

New Year’s Update

Alrighty then,
I’ve been meaning to update since Thanksgiving, however, I never did because I’m pretty lazy usually. So, because of my bestie Dynnea, who just informed me that she is now reading my blog, I have decided to start writing more. More often, too.

I might do a couple posts about my holidays away from home later, but right now I’ll just write about now. Now is January 15th. I think this is probably the hardest time for me on exchange, because Christmas and New Year’s have just passed, but this new year also brings tons of birthdays from a lot of my family and friends, including myself. One of my best friends just celebrated her birthday on the 9th, while I could only communicate through twitter and skype to say “Happy Birthday”. My other best friend Dynnea is about to be 16 on the 31st and I’m not going to be there…her sweet sixteen 😦 And before then on the 21st, my mom will be one year older without me. The next day I will be turning 17 on the 22nd, overseas, away from my family and friends. Along with a few others, these days just mean that I’ll have to wish everyone a Happy Birthday through my computer. It may seem bad, but at the same time, I’ve already gone to two of my Italian friends’ birthday parties, and those have definitely brightened my outlook. And, my host mother’s birthday is the day after mine, which is pretty crazy.

Now that it’s officially January of 2013, I’m starting to count down the months until I leave. Not in a “I want to go home” sort of way, but just because it’s kind of exciting when you realize you’ll see your family and friends in about 6 months or so…that sounds like a long time still, but I’ve already gotten through a full 4 months. I already know that the day I come home will probably be one of the best days of my life. I’m really excited! I’m also excited about being here too, because now that I’m getting the hang of the language, which is still really hard, I feel better about being around people my own age. Less of me feeling like I’m a wierd shadow or something following everyone around. I think that will help me start to have a lot more fun and exciting experiences 🙂

“There’s More Above Us And Below”

Halloween was great.  Having no planned costume, I borrowed some of my host sister’s things and became an angel.  Going to my friend’s Halloween party later that night, I quickly realized that the Italians prefer a more spookier look.  Meaning, I was the only angel among zombies and creepy other things.  That was completely fine, especially because the party turned out to be so much fun.  Dancing all night in the club-like party room to both Italian and American music was awesome.  It was also nice because here in Italy the dancing isn’t about grinding on everybody, there are actually easy steps that most of the girls know – steps that I was happy to attempt to copy.  The only huge difference is that Halloween is only for parties, there isn’t really any trick-or-treating.  I’m okay with that though, I don’t really need to eat 5 pounds of candy in one night.

Thankfully, we didn’t have school after Halloween, so for the past couple days I’ve been enjoying the 4-day weekend.  On Friday, my friend who lives in Sardegna on exchange, arrived in Rome for a few days.  I went with another exchange student in my area and my host sister by train to go visit her.  The train taking about 30 minutes from one of the towns around Rome to the actual city, we arrived at 5 o’clock and it was already dark.  By the time we actually met up with Raven, after a very confusing time trying to figure out where to find each other, it was raining and we were all soaked.  We had went from the train station down the street, back to the station, then back down the street and then walked to Piazza Venezia.  On the way I had to buy a cheap umbrella off one of the many salespeople standing on the sidewalks.  The cobblestone streets were all slippery and full of puddles, which I didn’t even bother trying to sidestep after I noticed that my Toms were drenched anyway.  Not the best choice of footwear.  Seeing Raven standing in front of the illuminated building was a relief.  We then went to a cafe to get food and coffee.  Although the weather was pretty bad, the whole experience was fun, not to mention that I got to see the beautiful Rome at night, all lit up.

I finally got some questions answered about how the other exchanges were going.  Raven and Robert (the other student), both agreed that they didn’t really do much other than going out on the weekends.  Raven had ended up joining a dance class, but that doesn’t really help much since she said her host parents won’t let her out on her own until she’s mastered Italian.  I think we all just kind of expected something a little different.  I’m still extremely happy to be here, and I think I’m going to have to join a gym soon, or do zumba, or something to keep busy.  My plan to ask the other kids here what they do is still in progress, considering I haven’t really been to school all week.  And I think my host family is planning a trip to Londra (London) during March, so there’s something I’m definitely looking forward too!  I know that more opportunities to do something will come along, and I’m ready to say yes to anything!

” Time you enjoy wasting, was not wasted. ” – John Lennon

Pretty much sums up my life right now.